Unless noted, all photographs, documents, drawings, and written material in this galley section are the property of the author.
This, my family farm at Salt Rock, West Virginia is displayed on the book’s front cover: The photograph, although taken about 1970, has details little changed from 1945 except for the large white house in the center which was built in 1951. Also, on Lucas land across the lane to the left of the old house, there was an orchard with several mature apple trees. At the far end of the lane, across Madison Creek Road, was the home of my maternal Grandparents, Lucian and Jenny Adkins. Salt Rock Elementary School sits to the right of their house. The upper left shows the southeastern edge of the village of Salt Rock and the bridge that spanned the Guyandotte River. Sharp eyes can make out children playing in our field across the road from the school and my stepfather, Dawson Morrison, plowing in the garden next to the house. This farm now belongs to Michael Porter who is a descendant of the Porter family which settled a large section of the area about 1800.